The Consultation and Examination Process
1. On arrival you will be asked to fill in a short health questionnaire before being called through to see your chiropractor – please arrive 15 minutes early to allow time to complete this
2. A full health history is then taken looking into the past and present issues that may be related to the problem you are presenting with
3. We will perform numerous orthopaedic and chiropractic tests to obtain vital information about the function of your joints and muscles
4. If we determine that you need x-rays or scans you will referred for them at this point

The Report Process
1. Explain clearly and visually the findings from the tests and x-rays
2. Explain what the problem is, what it will take to correct the problem, how long it will take and costs involved
3. An individual plan is recommended and you decide what course of action best suits your needs
4. Give you the opportunity to ask any questions you may have about your problem, or the treatment to be provided
To book your consultation and examination just call the clinic you wish to be seen at and we will arrange it for you.
If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to call the clinics where we will be more than happy to talk to you. If you specifically wish to speak with the chiropractor call with your questions and we will arrange for them to call you back as soon as possible.
Treatment Phases
How you choose to use chiropractic is up to you and we are here to look after you whatever your choice.

Acute Phase
This is the first stage of the treatment when the patient is in pain or discomfort. At this stage you may need to get treated frequently and treatment is aimed at providing pain relief as quickly as possible. Initial care at this stage can last from a few days to several weeks, depending on the problem.

Stabilisation/Rehabilitation Phase
When the joints and muscles start to function better you will start with rehabilitation. You will get treated less frequently and given exercises in order to stabilise and strengthen the spine. Here the main aim is to maintain joint mobility and increase muscle strength

Maintenance/Wellness Phase
When the chiropractor is happy that the spine is functioning optimally check-ups are recommended in order to maintain the improvements which you have achieved and to help prevent further issues. Potential problems can be detected and corrected before you start to experience pain and disability again. This is equivalent to having your dental check-ups and you car serviced.
Ready to book your appointment?
Link Chiropractic and those working for it do not claim to be able to help all people all of the time. The statements above reflect real experiences seen in practice as well as current evidence of effectiveness. A thorough consultation and examination is the only way to determine if we can help you, your family or friends.